Why Sleep Training

If you’ve been around The Mindful Nursery for any amount of time or ever talked to me about baby sleep you know how important it is to me that whatever you do regarding your child’s sleep is what works best for your family and meets your unique and specific goals and needs. I am a firm believer that each family’s needs are as unique as they are, and what will work for you and your family can never be a one-size-fits-all solution. So how do you know if sleep training is right for your family and how do you know when the right time is to reach out for help? 

This is such an important question to think through! So I’m here to talk through a few of the factors to think about when you’re making this decision. Obviously, I am a big fan or I wouldn’t be in this business! My biggest reason for loving sleep training is I know what a big impact a good night’s sleep can have on your entire family. For one, I have, as I’m sure you have, experienced the glorious refreshment that one good night of sleep can bring. But beyond that, I worked for many years as a professional newborn and toddler nanny before entering the world of sleep training. As a nanny, you are given an intimate, behind the scenes look at the inner workings of a family. You see them on their good days, their bad days, and all of their in-between days, without the filter that they put on for the rest of the world. I always considered this such a privilege to be welcomed into a family in this way, and such an opportunity to be both a cheerleader and teammate in this tough season of raising littles. It also gave me a firsthand look into a how a family thrived…or barely survived based on how much sleep they were getting at night. It was the difference that a good night of sleep made in the health of a family that first inspired me to get into the world of sleep consulting. With a background in social work, I have a passion for seeing individuals and families thrive. I saw how much easier thriving in their current season could be when they were getting good sleep and decided to pursue a career in sleep consulting to be a part of helping families thrive within their season of raising littles. So read on for some thoughts on if sleep training might be right for your family.

Why does sleep make such a difference? 

There is so much research done on the benefits of sleep, and those benefits are seemingly endless. Good sleep improves your immune system, aids in stress relief, provides clearer mental function, improves your mood, and so much more. Our bodies need sleep for so much more than just feeling awake and alert. If you deep dive into the science behind why good, consistent sleep is so important, you’ll have a whole new appreciation for why those early newborn days feel just so tough. I’m guessing most of you didn’t come to a sleep consulting blog for a science lesson though, so I will not bore you with the details, but send me an email if you want to nerd out with me on just how cool sleep is. 

The bottom line is, our bodies need good sleep, and our babies are not born with a natural knowledge of how to give that to us or to themselves. And if you’re reading this blog, you already know that if your child isn’t getting good sleep, you’re not getting good sleep. So one of my top “whys” for sleep training is as much for you as it is for your little one! For you to be the best version of yourself and the best parent to your child, you need a good night of sleep. Sleep training can get you there.

But before you start thinking sleep training your child is a selfish decision just so you can get good rest, let’s talk about how imperative this restorative, good night of sleep is for your child too. They need good consistent sleep to store all of those new skills that they’re learning, reach those milestones you’ve been reading so much about, and grow and heal their little bodies. Slightly dipping back into my sleep science nerd mode, how a baby sleeps is different than how an adult sleeps. So their sleep needs and how they get what they need is different. So when I talk about good consistent sleep for a baby, I’m not just talking about sleeping through the night. (But we will get you there!!) I’m looking at the overall pattern of their sleep schedule over a 24 hour period. Having your baby on a consistent sleep routine that helps them reach restorative sleep each day will greatly benefit their growth and development. Sleep training can be an excellent tool for them to find this rhythm in their days.

So we’ve talked about what the benefits of sleep training might be, but how do you know if it is right for your family? 

The first thing to ask yourself is if your current situation is working well for your family. Are you thriving or surviving in this season? If you find that your current situation is not working well for your family, and that you cannot confidently say you are thriving in this season, ask yourself if good sleep might be the change needed to adjust those things for your family. If it is, it might be time to investigate sleep training. 

But remember how I talked at the very beginning of this about how firmly I believe how unique each family is and how unique their individual needs and goals are? This plays so hard into sleep training. Sleep training to me, is not a one-size-fits-all type of thing. Different methods and different approaches will work better for different families. So when you start to investigate sleep training, let’s have a conversation about what type of sleep training and what approach might work best for your family. We have customized options to fit everyone’s needs!

When is the best time to start?

A common question I get when people ask me about if they should utilize sleep training is when is the best time to start? I will always tell people to start before they are desperate. As soon as you realize something needs to change, reach out for help, do not wait. I get calls from a lot of desperate parents who are deep in the trenches of sleep deprivation, and I’m always thrilled to help them and thrilled they called me! I love getting to be the light in that dark season for them, but you don’t have to let it get to that point before calling me. We can avoid that season all together by putting in some preventative measures to help your little one learn good sleep early on. 

Ultimately every family’s “why” for choosing sleep training will be a little different. But know that your mama gut is good, and if you feel like something needs to change, start to take those steps towards change. We are always happy to talk through if now is the right time for you and if our offerings might be the right fit for your family. That is why we offer the consultation calls at no charge! We want to be as accessible as possible, and make sure we’re the right fit for your family before you have to make any commitment. As always, we’re here to help, and wish you nothing but the sweetest night of sleep.



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