Why Should You Hire A Sleep Consultant?

Surprise, surprise, I think you should hire a sleep consultant!

I really do, though. I believe in what I do - I believe that it truly helps families to thrive in their season. But I also know that it is not for everyone! So whether you’re about to sign the dotted line on hiring a sleep consultant, or you’re actually unsure what a sleep consultant even does, this blog post is for you. 

First off, let’s cover what a sleep consultant is and what they do when working with families.

All sleep consultants function slightly differently in how they work and how they run their business, but they for the most part, do the same type of work. For the purposes of this blog post I will be focusing mostly on my personal work as an infant and toddler sleep consultant and how things work here at The Mindful Nursery. 

A sleep consultant is someone who comes alongside your family in a season where you’re needing help with your child’s sleep. This can be help with anything from frequent night wakings, pacifier weaning, naptime struggles, transitioning to the toddler bed, and more! Basically if it's related to sleep with 0-4 year olds, and it is not being brought on by medical reasons, then a sleep consultant can handle it! 

We come alongside your family as a coach, a confidant, and cheerleader. We will take the time to get to know your family and your situation. We will learn your goals, your needs, and your worries regarding your child’s sleep in this season. Then, we will create a customized plan for you that walks you step by step on how to move from where you are today, to where you ultimately want to be with your child’s sleep. 

So why hire one? What are the advantages and benefits? What makes it worth the cost? 

First and foremost, we provide an outsiders opinion. If you’re in a particularly tough season of your child’s sleep, it can be hard to sort out logically what to do. It can be hard to see the big picture and see all the pieces of the puzzle on what’s not working with their sleep and their schedule. Hiring a sleep consultant can bring in an outsider’s view on the picture, and an outsider that knows the ins and outs of the science of baby sleep, and sorts through these puzzles everyday! Definite win there. 

A lot of people will say, “but can’t you get the same information that a sleep consultant gives you on the internet?” Well, short answer, no. This is because the internet has a TON of great information on baby sleep, sleep training, sleep schedules, and all of the things! However, the issue is that all of this is generic one-size-fits-all-information, and it can be really tricky to sort through what is actually good information. A sleep consultant offers the perks of providing you customized, individual help. We offer you a plan that is suited to the unique needs and goals of your family. At The Mindful Nursery, we do not believe in the one-size-fits-all-approach. We believe that every baby and every family is unique, and that they should have a plan and a schedule that reflects their individuality. Sleep consultants also go through a certification program that assures you that they will provide you with good and accurate information on your baby’s sleep. 

Lastly, (for this blog post at least, in my humble and unbiased opinion, there are loads more reasons to hire a sleep consultant!), motherhood is hard, raising littles is hard, doing this while sleep deprived is extremely hard. Hiring a sleep consultant gives you the best cheerleader that you can imagine for this season! We want you to succeed and we know that you can! Hiring a sleep consultant means that you will have someone holding your hand (not literally because one of the perks of The Mindful Nursery is that we do all of our work virtually for maximum convenience and flexibility for you! Check out our package offerings here!)and cheering you on through every step that it takes to reach your goals. Navigating sleep challenges with your little can be really tough! We won’t sugar coat it! But we know you can do it, and can’t wait to walk alongside you as you get to be the hero of your own story bringing your family through to the light at the end of the tunnel as you reach your sleep goals and learn to thrive in this season. 

So are you ready to work together yet? We hope so! We always recommend addressing sleep challenges with your child before you get to a place of desperation, so don’t wait too long to call us! Still have questions about what a sleep consultant does or if sleep consulting makes sense for your family? Give us a call today! We’d love to answer all of your questions!



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